Wednesday, June 29, 2005

It's Okay

She stands up and looks out at the faces staring back. For a moment terrified, everyone watching her every move. Then she notices the expressions, calm, anticipating, and kind. She was always so afraid of being judged. Two girls then lean in and whisper to each other. She wonders if they are talking about her, then thinks, ‘who cares’. She then smiles, realizing everyone is judged to a point in this situation, and she can only be as good as she can. She fights to please herself now and no one else. She begins to speak and breathes, it’s okay.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Faded Road

So long gone down the road, hard to look back and see anything that resembles anything recognizable. Started out with the best of intentions, and the strongest of determination. How quickly it all falls to the ground. Intentions fade into habits that get lost when all will to continue ceases. Where once the thoughts and ideas flowed freely, now is nothing but the vague notion of where all those ideas went. Trailing along a path that is no longer clear, the footsteps stagger about, hoping for some alternate road. Questionable there is passion enough left to follow any other path.